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OPC Cement quality complies to the International Standards of: 1. ASTM C-150 Type-I (American Society for Testing & Materials) 2. BSEN 197-1: 2011 CEM-I (British Standard European Norm) UltraTech OPC is produced with superior quality and enhanced properties to cater different applications such as various grades of ready-mix concrete, precast, blocks, bricks, concrete pipes and tiles product applications. UltraTech OPC is also used in specialized pre-stressed concrete, Grouts, Mortars, Plastering, Flooring & Masonry works.

SRC Cement quality complies to the International Standards of 1. ASTM C-150 Type-V (American Society for Testing & Materials) 2. BSEN 197-1: 2011 CEM-I SR5 (British Standard European Norm) UltraTech SRC is designed to improve the performance of concrete where the risk of sulfate attack occurs. UltraTech SRC provides improved durability of concrete in most aggressive environments, reducing the risk of deterioration of structure and its failure. UltraTech SRC is more suitable for structural concrete and also recommended for pile concretes, foundations, basements or underground structures, where soil with high level of sulphate content.

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PLC Cement quality complies to International Standard of “BS EN 197-1: 2011 CEM II/B -LL” (British Standard European Norm) UltraTech PLC is a slightly modified version of Portland cement that reduces carbon footprints to provide basic performance of cement. UltraTech PLC have the potential to significantly improve sustainability with performance with much finer grinding to meet the quality requirement and ideally suited for Plastering, Masonry, mortar, grouting & tiles application.

MC Cement quality complies to the International Standards of “BSEN 413-1” (British Standard European Norm) UltraTech MC is a highly modified version of Portland cement that reduces carbon footprints and to achieve consistent appearance in finishing jobs. UltraTech MC is used in masonry and plastering construction works, consisting of a mixture of portland or blended hydraulic cement and plasticizing materials such as limestone or hydrated lime. UltraTech MC improves the workmanship for successful applications on masonry works.

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UltraTech GGBFS quality complies to the International Standards of “BSEN 15167-1” (British Standard European Norm) Granulated blast furnace slag contains at least two-thirds by mass of glassy slag and possesses hydraulic properties when suitably activated. UltraTech GGBFS eco-friendly green construction materials that held benefits in producing sustainable and high-quality concrete. GGBFS is commonly used as supplementary cementitious materials in blended cement to reduce the need for Portland cement in mortar or concrete production and thereby reduces carbon footprints too.